Thurston County School Retirees’ Association (TCSRA), which is Unit 28 of the Washington State School Retirees’ Association (WSSRA), was organized on September 18, 1954, by five dedicated retired teachers. They had monthly sack-lunch meetings in their homes, and their main concerns were pensions, legislation, insurance, health care, and community service. Now with more than 1,000 county-wide members, TCSRA serves all retired and active school employees by
- Protecting retirement security and benefits through lobbying for legislation
- Providing pre-retirement workshops
- Keeping members informed on health and consumer issues
- Awarding mini-grants to Thurston County elementary and secondary school employees
- Granting scholarships to graduating high school seniors (in cooperation with WSSRA and PEMCO Insurance Company)
- Helping with community efforts that benefit children, the elderly, and those in need
- Encouraging fellowship through monthly luncheon meetings at Embers Restaurant at Indian Summer Golf & Country Club in Olympia
- Publishing an annual directory and Bits & Pieces, a monthly newsletter, for our members
We consider ourselves educators for life. If you are or have been a certificated or classified school employee—from superintendent to school nurse or behavioral psychologist to bus driver—you are welcome at the Thurston County School Retirees’ Association.
Please click here to view TCSRA’s Unit of Highest Distinction Award for 2022–2023.
Please click here to view Governor Jay Inslee’s Proclamation that
March 18–26, 2024, was School Retirees Appreciation Week.
Why not consider joining us? Visit our Membership Page!